CADS NCD Edelweiss Executive Meeting
Date: Saturday 13, September 2105 2pm to 3:30pm at Edelweiss
Meeting invitees: (names in bold attended)
- Jeff Boucher
- Julie Stewart
- Louis Poirier
- Amy Johnston
- Luc Presseau
- Cathy Presseau
- Joe Beaudry
- Tim Fitzgerald
- Pierre Goulet
Next Meeting date: Monday November 2nd 7pm Luc & Cathy’s place at 106 Tay Street – to do pairings and any other items
# | Item | Agenda Topics | Discussion/Decisions | Action | Completion Date |
1 | Prices for this year | Sep-13 Update:
· Price this season for participants: $340 · Prices from Edelweiss for this season: · 60 lift tickets (free) for Dec Training sessions · 4 season passes for CADS Admin · Counter space free · Volunteer tickets: $19 · Adult passes: (for family of participants): $319 per season pass This must be kept very low key and must be associated to a participant or must be a prospective volunteer we are recruiting. · $200 for annual ski competition – for the hill to set up the race gates; and the hill will supply a Chronographer (free for the fun day stuff) |
2 | Dates for the coming season | Registration dates 28 Oct and 4 Nov
Inventory Date Sept Fitting Days 21 and 22 Nov Training Dates Sat 12 Dec & Sun 13 Dec Tethering Clinic Sat 2 Jan & Sun 3 Jan Program Dates Sat Jan 9 to Sat 28 Feb CSIA Methodology Course Tues 23 Feb & Tues 1 Mar CADS Level 1 Sat 5 Mar & Sun 6 Mar |
Tethering clinic will include other skills.
Trip to Sauveur: Saturday March 12th.
Banquet date: Saturday March 19th
Sep-13 Update: Dates have been decided and are available on our website at Some key dates are: · Volunteer training dates Dec 12-13 · Fitting Nov 21-22 · Pre-course Nov 27-28 · Tethering Jan 2-3 · First Program weekend 9-10 Jan · First Training date: Jan 12
1) Lindsay give Joe a copy
of the equipment list.
2) Jeff invite Cascade to Training dates 3) Joe to provide CSIA and CADS training dates to Clay to be confirmed with the ski hill and can be published |
1) end april
2) later
3) end april |
3 | Task List rather than positions | Break down what needs to be done by task. | Jeff is there an action for someone? | ||
4 | Volunteer Recruiting | Suggestions for how this can be improved for the coming year. | Agreed. Phone calls to past volunteers to see if
they would come back.
Make a list and assign 10 or so to each of us to call. Sep-13 Update: Julie and Cathy will do ASAP
We get much more success when: 1) we target a skier-type audience, such as the ski show 2) we speak to people vs posters and other passive approaches
Ski Show (end Oct) has proven to be good to recruit new volunteers. Need to send outgoing volunteers. Need to publicize date early so we line up volunteers to attend. Sep-13 Update: Jeff said we are at: Ski Club, Ski Show, Carleton Univ, <one more>
Suggestion (not sure we agreed to do this): Sell raffle tickets pre-season in shopping malls and Ski Show. This creates Awareness and also brings in revenue.
1) Julie and Cathy to plan and drive a phone tree
2) Jeff will line up volunteers for the Ski Show and the RA meeting to talk about their clubs (Ski Club is in there) IN ADVANCE DONE
3) Cathy & Julie will look into this; What about VolunteerOttawa? This is how Tim came into the program – Might Tom fund it??
4) Tim will look into: A couple Radio stations advertise volunteer needs:
1) by first week of October
2)early October DONE
3) by first week of October
4) by first week of October
5 | Budget | Final financial report for last year and suggestions for someone to take it over. | Martin Bourdon for Fun Day? | Jeff – who is doing Budget? | |
6 | Fundraising | What do we want to do and who will coordinate. | Idea to make $$: require each participant (&
volunteers) to donate items we could sell at auction at a bar.
Idea: investigate 50/50 at a RedBlack or 67’s game
Sep-13 Update: · Canadian Paralympics Committee: Jeff applied for 6 Stand-Up, 2 HOC Sit-Skis · 50/50 at Sens or 67’s – Jeff is doing this. · Community Foundation of Ottawa – The Fundraising guy has offered to talk to us about Fundraising strategy. Jeff wants to offer it to the CADS-NCD board and any hill program who wishes to participate. · Jeff will ask Martin, Natalie & Luc and Neda to help with Fundraising
1) Jeff will investigate and report back on a
2)Jeff will ask Martin, Natalie & Luc and Neda to help with Fundraising
1) early September
2)October |
7 | Raffle Items | Committee needs to be setup now to get big items for the raffle i.e. airline tickets, Via Rail Passes etc. Suggestions for a raffle committee. Suggestions for potential committee members. | Raffle needs to be organized by early December.
Bruce Scott or Michael from Consumer’s gas (former VP, retired), or Neda or Jodie Armstrong.
Sep-13 Update: · We’ll do a raffle and Silent Auction again this year
1) Jeff to contact these 4 people to solicit them.
1) end April
8 | Awards | Get complete list of award winners off of the trophies. Someone to put a list together of potential winners for each category and coordinate the responses. Suggestions on who best to do this. | Rookie’s, youth (under 16), rookie
Sep-13 Update: · The awards given out in the last 10 or 15 years has been complied and will be put up on the website
1) Jeff & Julie: List from
the existing trophies of past winners DONE
2) Cathy add to database the award winners from each year so we can keep track
1) end May
2) End Aug |
9 | Google Groups | Cathy did a fabulous job of getting the Google Groups up to date for both the participants and volunteer groups. Right now Lindsay, Cathy and Jeff Boucher are administrators and we will need to remove Lindsay and get a third person added. The work will come before the start of the season adding new information. Volunteer from the committee. | Sep-13 Update:
· Remove Lindsay as an administrator from the Google Groups
Cathy to keep managing
· CATHY: Remove Lindsay as an administrator from the Google Groups
10 | Database Manager for Access | Chris Holden created an Access database that contains a large amount of data on our participants and volunteers and is capable of creating a number of reports that could be very useful. It hasn’t been kept up to date and is a bit cumbersome to use so it needs to be modified to meet our needs. It does generate the progress book page that contains the information on the participant. I.e. equipment used, disability, medications etc. We do need someone to modify the database and make it a bit easier to manipulate. | Cathy to keep managing
On-going | |
11 | Equipment Loaning | We have a large stock of fairly new skis and a good assortment of sizes. Our boot selection has some fairly old boots but a lot of rear entry boots that come in handy. There are obviously some risks with loaning older equipment that are past DIN dates. This has been minimized by checking the equipment before it gets loaned out. The issue is whether we should continue with the equipment loaning. | Get rid of old equipment.
Agreed: Waiver for participants to sign if they borrow our equipment (like a rental form)
Sep-13 Update: · We will add photos of all members and all equipment to the DB · In the Registration email message – we need to encourage participants to buy their own equipment · Next year, perhaps a different registration price for those who have their own equipment vs not.
1) Joe will get rid of old
equipment DONE
2) Julie will DRAFT an equipment loaning waiver
3)Cathy DB update
4)Jeff – add to Registration email |
1) End August
2) End August |
12 | Equipment repairs | Need a dedicated second person to look after equipment. This might be a good task for a parent with some repair skills that is at the hill anyways. Suggestions of anyone that might be good in this role. | Joe will be equipment manager.
No assistant required (hard to find qualified people) |
Joe is this decided and closed? Or is there an action for someone? | |
13 | Registration | Publish a policy on how we accept participants.
I think we need to set a date for returning participants to sign up then accept additional participants based on number of volunteers and skill set of the volunteers. This would mean getting a commitment from returning volunteers early and doing the pairings throughout the registration process. |
Every hill allows returning participants first, by
a certain date, before new applicants.
Participant price increase after a certain date – it makes people register more promptly.
We need more clarity on what our objectives are (e.g. social, ski improvement). This would drive our criteria for acceptance in the program. However, CADS National doesn’t have that. Chris Holden wrote this a few years ago. We could say: can person ski on their own? Can person take regular ski instructors? We could put 4 independent skiers with one volunteer. We could partner up two independent skiers. We could use senior
How do we assess a new child applicant? Lindsay said: talk to parent at registration.
Sep-13 Update: · need to track student volunteer hours. This will be the responsibility of the Supervisor to validate & sign their forms. · Electronic form would be easiest for most people · Could we consider email transfer for payment?? · In the Registration email message – we need to encourage participants to buy their own equipment · Registration form ACTIONS (Cathy): add Gender, Cert Active or not, Years active in CADS, are you student need hours tracked; remove the half-days since we’re not doing this year. Policy on Acceptance into the program · Julie has started working on this. · Julie believes it would need to be run through CADS-NCD or CADS-National · Pierre will send back to Julie the letter she authored
1) Cathy to redesign
registration form with Jeff. DONE
2) Jeff and Julie to write up DRAFT guidelines for accepting participants. |
1)end of May
2)end of May WIP by Julie |
14 | Tracking of student volunteer hours | Tracking of student volunteer hours | Need to keep track student volunteer hours for
Tim says the students need to do this each day and get a signature from their supervisor.
We need to tell new student volunteers that the onus is on them to get their form signed each day they volunteer.
Sep-13 Update: · Question will be added to Registration form · Supervisors will be responsible to track and fill forms for the students
1)Cathy add to Registration form
2)Luc add to Supervisor role description |
2)October |
15 | Race Program | Agreed: no more race program.
Perhaps we establish an “advanced” or “independent” program in some future year… no actions at this time.
Sep-13 Update: Independent of advance program: Jeff will discuss with Chantal
Jeff will discuss with Chantal |
September |
16 | Training | Plans and policy for start of the season.
· Who needs to come to the pre-season training session? · Is it mandatory for everyone or would it be better to run a safety review meeting prior to the season. |
Training for volunteers regarding Autism
Sep-13 Update: · Amy spoke about a couple of online programs for Concussion training such as CDC (Centre for Disease control, USA) for. Amy will email links to Jeff so he can send out to the Volunteer Email distro · Course Conductor Training: 27-29 November at Mont St-Anne. Joe and Tim will attend. Clay will drive everyone in the van. · Not discussed at meeting, but added by Cathy after: for Autism training video and PDF handout, FREE and aimed at groups like ours
1)Tim has a friend in Toronto who trains teachers
etc on how to work with autism. Perhaps she would do for us?
Perhaps he has a local contact who would?
2)Amy – Concussion training
1) summer
2)Amy : October |
17 | Power Point Presentation | Updating and improvements to training presentation. | Jeff will revise the Training presentation. | 1) Jeff | 1) August
18 | Photos & Videos during the season | Natalie and Luc have volunteered to take photos and
videos of all participants for promo and end-of-year.
19 | Desk personnel | Looking for suggestions for people to man the desk during the day. It can be parents of a participant that is fairly independent. | Jeff will email parents to ask if any would be willing to man the desk during the day (after pair-ups on the board are done). | Jeff will add this as a duties in the list he emails to the volunteers. | 1) August |
20 | Website Coordinator | Assuming that CADS NCD does get the website updated this year we will need a couple of individuals that are capable of keeping our information current. The goal of CADS NCD is to have a common website for all of the programs but to make it simple to update at the program level. | John Chafe volunteered.
Sep-13 Update: · Colin Moden updated the current NCD website to have Jeff’s name, the current season’s date, etc. · A new website is being prepared – John Chafe is working on the new NCD Website. · Both John & Colin are working together and available for website update year-long · Registration: October for returning members. November is for new members. Not full-come first served, will depend on the volunteers we have for the participant’s needs. · Question: what about returning members who were here in past years, but not last year? Then these are “New Members”
1) Jeff to ask NCD what they are doing with the
website DONE
2) Jeff will contact John DONE |
1) End May DONE
2) end May DONE |
21 | Duties and Responsibilities of Supervisors | Do we want of supervisors with participants or have them mobile on the hill. There was at one time a lesson schedule that was posted that permitted the supervisors to ski with different people throughout the day. This would allow us to keep track of the progress of the participant and see if pairing need to be changed as well as permitting positive feedback to the volunteers. | Consider renaming them to Instructors or Coaches.
We need more supervisors.
We need to have a job description of what we expect supervisors to do.
We need to decide and assign supervisors for next season.
Number of supervisors we need depends on what we expect each to be.
Sep-13 Update: · Luc passed around a draft Role Description one-page document · Louis said there is a similar document as part of the Insurance. Louis will send to Luc to incorporate. · Luc will update the Document out to all for approval. Will be posted on Website and handed out at the Training session. · Luc proposed a similar Role Description for Volunteers · Agreed: Supervisor should be identifiable on the hill. Larger Name Tag or Arm Band.
1) Jeff to ask at NCD
meeting who else has supervisors
2) Jeff and Luc will provide a DRAFT job description for a supervisors DONE
3) Louis – send to Luc the Supervisor Role Description from the Insurance
4) Luc update the Supervisor Role with input from insurance papers.
5) Luc – see next row about feedback to volunteers
6) Luc: add to doc that Supervisors will be responsible to track and fill forms for the students
1) End May
2) End May DONE by Luc
6)October |
22 | Feedback to volunteers | Semi-Formal reports, how they did what we would like for their future re training and involvement in the organization. Supervisors. | Include in the Duties of Supervisors.
1) Jeff to add this to the
duties of the supervisor.
2) Julie and Luc to draft a policy for evaluating Supervisors
23 | Half days for participants | Is it worth attempting to talk to the hill and see if we can get half day passes and offer half-day sessions. That would permit us to take in more participants with the same number of volunteers. There does appear to be a number of participants that only ski in the morning. Perhaps the survey will give more details on who would like to ski half days. | Sep-13 Update:
· Agreed: No half-days this year. · Agreed: take the half-day off the form. However we may do half-days for certain individuals for $225 – but this will be discussed verbally on an individual basis. · Half-day reduced pass not available from Edelweiss.
1) Luc and Jeff to re-approach JS (Edelweiss) with a proposal for half-days and/or a transferable pass. | CLOSED |
24 | Survey of participants and volunteers | Find out if there are any good ideas out there and what would they like to see changed. | Survey Monkey survey.
In the survey, if you ask about half-days: make it VERY clear that it is very dependant on Edelweiss’ willingness to accommodate this.
1) Jeff to DRAFT 2 surveys
and circulate for input.
2) Pierre will prepare the Survey Monkey
1) end April
2) end May
25 | Tuesday evening training and ski improvement | Suggestions on how to improve training throughout the season and have a plan put together. How should we pick trainers and how do we train the trainers? | |||
26 | Level 1 course for the coming year | Do we want to host another CADS Level 1 Course and when would we like to do that? | |||
27 | Fun Day Coordinator | Suggestions on who could run this. Coordinate with Jennifer in Toronto for the racecourse portion. | |||
28 | “Give it a try” formal sessions | There have been a number of inquiries from people that would like to give skiing a try to see if they would enjoy the sport and how they may be able to ski. They don’t understand adaptive equipment nor what would work best for them. We should investigate having a day for people to come out for a few hours and we could do an assessment and determine how they could ski and allow them the opportunity to find out if they would enjoy skiing. | Agreed. Concept is good.
Need defined date(s).
Not on a program day.
Jeff will discuss with CADS NCD to see if we do it as an NCD thing or only an Edelweiss thing, |
1) Jeff will discuss with CADS NCD | 1) End May |
29 | Banquet Coordinator | Suggestions on people to organize and execute the banquet. We should ask people in the survey what they would like for the banquet. | Jacob Emanuel said he would like to help organize the Banquet. | Jeff to discuss with Jacob Emanuel
By January |
30 | CPC Coordinator | When we receive equipment that has been purchased through the Canadian Paralympic Committee a report with photos and testimonials | Jeff who has this action? | ||
31 | Name Tags | Colin Moden would be the model for a two-sided plastic nametag that attaches to a zipper pull. We have a large number of volunteers that don’t know each other’s names. | Agreed: we need name tags
Randy Allen, last year, volunteered to pay for them….
Should NCD consider buying a machine to do them ourselves for all hills. Cost Recovery
Sep-13 Update: · 2-sided Credit-card sized Name Tags like at Calabogie – Several hills are interested. Louis will bring it up at the NCD Meeting this Thursday
1)Jeff to discuss purchasing a name tag machine
with NCD
2)Louis will bring it up at the NCD Meeting this Thursday
2)Sept 17th |
32 | Jacket Coordinator | I’ll be doing this for CADS NCD and will look after
our people.
Sep-13 Update:
Jeff emailed asking volunteers who wants jacket, but inadvertently missed some newer volunteers
Jeff DONE | DONE |
33 | Cold Weather Policy | Do we need to dictate criteria for cancelling a program day. I.e. forecast wind-chill, rain, and icy conditions. How best to warn people that the program has been cancelled. | Agreed: we don’t want to do this.
Agreed: Do what the hill does. If hill is open CADS runs. If volunteers or participants are wondering, that person should check the Edelweiss website themselves.
None | CLOSED |
34 | More info to volunteers and participants | I believe the short weekly updates were appreciated and should be continued. Probably best written and sent by someone that is there both days and knows what is coming up in the future. | Agreed – it’s great! Continue! | CLOSED | |
35 | Recognition for volunteers years of service | A small token of appreciation for volunteers. Perhaps a pewter pin. Maybe this can be elevated to the CADS NCD level. A thank you letter and a pin would be a nice token for someone departing CADS. | Agreed: Service recognition pin. Great suggestion
Tim! (every 5 years: 5, 10, 15…)
Sep-13 Update: · Amy taking over from Julie. Louis will bring it up at the NCD Meeting this Thursday · Amy has several ideas for volunteers- such as free appetizers at the bar after the day’s skiing; draw for a small gift; etc. · Should volunteer appreciation and awards be separate from the banquet
1)Julie will look into pins
2) Amy will look into pins |
1) end June Transferred
2)October |
36 | TV behind the desk rolling information | We could build a locking box to house a TV and connect a computer to roll information and pictures behind the CADS desk. | Decision: maybe next year. To be considered next year. | CLOSED | |
37 | Seasons Passes | Who gets them and what are the criteria? It must be cost effective. | This past year 4 season’s passes were provided:
Pierre, Louis, Tim, ???
Agreed: We need to ensure that passes are given to people who come out enough times to be make it cheaper for us. Who saves us the most money by having a seasons’ pass.
1) Jeff and Luc to discuss “admin” passes with
Edelweiss DONE
2) Jeff who gets these passes?
1) End May |
38 | Accident reports | Policy must be familiar to all volunteers. | Safety Officer: we used to have
one; we should re-establish the role.
Perhaps Martin.
Agreed: Accident reports are needed. This is for us to keep, we don’t send it anywhere. Agreed: Should be completed the same day.
Sep-13 Update: · Joe looked into it with Red Cross etc, and didn’t find any examples of Accident reports. · Ski Patrol? · Our insurance? Louis will check and confirm a form and a policy to educate Volunteers at the Training.
1) Jeff will discuss Safety
Officer role with Martin
2) Joe will revise the Accident Report form with Louis who has it from the insurance form |
1) end May
2) end May |
39 | Pictures of all participants and volunteers | To help the desk personnel learn who everyone is and can recognize them more easily. This may need to include parents as well. This would take an email to all volunteers and participants and a coordinator to assemble all of the pictures. Suggestions? | Picture of participant’s face in the DB and in the
Progress report.
Take photos on day one.
Sep-13 Update: · We will add photos of all members and all equipment to the DB
1) Cathy will add a photo
field to the DB
2) Jeff will ask Louis Doyle or Nathalie & Luc to set up a photo booth for day one (and on second day for those we miss on day one) |
1) August
2) End June |
Coordonnateur du programme
Jeff Boucher
© Tous droits réservés CADS-NCD